Look Who Ain't a Teen Anymore! - 30/April/2018
Sam, Ever since I first met you, you’ve filled me with not only joy and equanimity, but a sense of creativity I haven’t felt in many years. I feel extremely lucky in this regard as I used to devote many long hours to the practice of such expression, but have fallen out of habit. In a selfish way, I want to use your birthday as an excuse to return to the left side of my brain. I especially want to undertake this as I’ve found immensely difficult to articulate my feelings for you in any representative way, therefore I want to take to some other means of expression. Following the end of the semester, I will do my due diligence to post to this site damn near every day. I have no idea how it’ll go, what I’ll post, or when, but I do know I go day in and day out wanting to express the love and joy I feel having you in my life. That is not to say though th...